About ADAW International

    The Advocates for Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (ADAW International) a non profit women led organisation, provides free legal services to women who cannot otherwise access legal representation in Uganda. Given that Uganda is a patriarchal society, male-centered dominance at the workplace, in families and society at large, this has created special problems that make it difficult for women to report issues of abuse, violence, discrimination and social inequities that can otherwise be challenged in a free and democratic society.

    In a 2019 report by the Uganda Parliament’s Committee of inquiry into allegations of sexual violence in institutions of learning in Uganda, the committee noted that there’s a culture of silence and norm not to report cases by women due to beliefs that ‘men can not be rejected’. These traditionally entrenched beliefs are also reflected in some discriminatory laws and practices such as the Customary Marriage Act, 1970 that legitimizes polygamy, inadequate systems to regulate medical service provision to women and children, social acceptance of domestic violence among others. In addition to providing free legal representation, ADAW International serves as a knowledge hub for research and knowledge management on women’s rights, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Land Rights, provision of free legal advice and impact litigation with a bearing on women and girls.

    ADAW International also works towards women benefiting from states obligations to fulfill, to respect and to protect its citizens towards enjoying their human rights as well as advocate for the human rights of minorities. Currently, our programs are designed to be sustainable so as to achieve the development impact. It is a membership organisation with a purpose of promoting human rights, Access to justice and rule of law.

    Our Vision

    A society free of violence and discrimination against women

    Our Mission

    To advance access to justice for women and girls through legal representation, Research and Advocacy


    1.To offer legal representation to the indigent and create awareness about the rights of women

    2.To empower women and girls with knowledge and skills that can uplift their economic status

    3.To lobby and advocate for legal and policy frameworks that uphold the rights and dignity for women

    4.To develop institutional and human capacity inorder to ensure the sustainability, effectiveness and efficiency of ADAW International.

    Core Values

    Women’s dignity

    Access to justice


    Upholding the rule of law, Democracy and Good governance